Get Involved
AAUW-Walla Walla offers numerous opportunities for our members to volunteer at events and behind the scenes!
AAUW members channel our passion, skills, and energy into worthwhile causes that empower and support women. Our work focuses on engaging members of our community and raising funds to strategically support women of all ages and backgrounds.
Here’s a snapshot of ways you can help:
Kitchen Tour: Sign up to be a greeter when tour visitors come to pick up their maps at the Marcus Whitman Hotel, or volunteer at a home along the tour route. On-site duties at the homes include indoor greeter, book sale helper (one home only), and outdoor greeter/parking attendant. Members are also asked to voluntarily help sell Kitchen Tour tickets to their personal sphere of connections the month before the tour. This is a wonderful opportunity to tell your friends, colleagues, and family about AAUW and our mission to support women and girls in our community!
Annual Book Sale: Help sort and process book donations throughout the year. Shifts are available weekly, so sign up as often as you like! We also have volunteers who pick up books from donation bins at various sites around Walla Walla, College Place, and Milton-Freewater. In the days leading up to the late-February event, and during the sale itself, join almost every member of our branch who pitches in to work a couple of hours at our wildly popular annual sale!
Pop-Up Book Sales: In addition to our annual book sale in late February, we host pop-up book sale events in October (at the Kitchen Tour), at a craft bazaar before the holidays, and at Fourth of July in the Park. Members: Watch our monthly newsletter and email blasts for ways you can lend a helping hand!
Public Policy: If you believe we need structural, systemic change towards equity for women and girls, public policy is for you! Our committee’s mission is to inform AAUW members, our local elected officials, and the wider community on AAUW's public policy priorities. Coordinating educational programs for members, working with the WA state public policy committee, building relationships with our legislators, and producing annual candidate forums are all key activities of this group. Don't know a bill from a law? No problem! The only thing you need is a commitment to equity, and a willingness to learn. Contact Annie Yetmez (in the Member Directory) for more information!
Where else do we need volunteers and support?
High School Scholars
Great Explorations (Host of the GEE Event)
National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL)
College Scholarship Committee
Smart Start Workshops
Tech Trek STEM Camp
We appreciate all levels of volunteerism & support!
Supporters and many helping hands are the backbone of our success. Members: Your support can come from paying your annual dues, or by signing up to volunteer at an event, or serving as one of the DOERS working behind the scenes in big and small ways to ensure the program/event is a success. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate!