You have interests. Connect with people who share the same ones.
Adventure Travel Group
AAUW Adventure Travel Club is all about getting away, meeting new people, learning new languages and cultures, and having a lot of fun! Nextvacay.com offers round trip travel to those who can make up their minds in a few days to travel in the fall. Would you like to get away? Contact Karen Yager (who is traveling to Thailand in November 2023) for more details!
Bridge Group
Bridge meets (usually 1:00 p.m - 3:30 p.m.) on the first and third Wednesday afternoons of the month. Members are asked to take a turn hostessing, which means getting a count for how many people plan to play and/or eat lunch. Hostess finds subs, if needed. She also supplies cards, tallies, score sheets, and pencils. Any AAUW member can join as a regular member or as a sub. Contact Linda Howell for more details!
Dining Group
Travel from your kitchen and savor the world with this fun group! (September through May.) Host once, be a guest the rest of the time. Join us for an evening of fabulous food and conversation! Spouses/partners welcome. Contact Mary Cleveland for more information.
Evening Book Group
We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month. (We have a 30-min social hour before our discussion begins at 7:30 p.m.) This group has been meeting consistently since 1984. Members meet at various locations and sign up to lead the discussion and share reviews. A list of this year’s book selections is available — new members are always welcome!
For more information, including upcoming books and meeting sites, contact Ruth Ladderud.
French Group
This group is for members who are interested in French language, culture, or history. Some group attendees speak French fairly well, some don't speak French at all. They speak (or try to speak) a little French and translate for each other when they get together. Then they switch to English and enjoy some goodies and beverages. The group is flexible on meeting times. Contact Helen Brownell for more info!
Gardening Group
Share your love of gardening and learning! Visit local nurseries and gardens. Participants trade gardening tips, books, and plant “starts!”
Contact Kate Frey to learn when and where this group meets.
Hiking Group
We are hikers who live in the Walla Walla area and love the outdoors. Everyone is welcome, including kids and dogs! This is a mixed community group with a rotating set of leaders and an exciting range of hiking opportunities. Please contact Karen Yager to learn more about this group and get added to the email distribution list for upcoming hikes. View our website.
Knitting Group
Members gather to visit and share projects, techniques, and information. The group meets on the second Friday of the month at SonBridge Center for Better Living (College Place) at 1:30 p.m. Contact Cecile Ervin for more information.
Lunch Bunch Book Group
This group meets from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. on the second Thursday* of each month. They set an annual schedule of books to read each month and who will lead each discussion.
Books vary from non-fiction to current fiction, classics, local authors, and current events. Members and guests are welcome on a regular or drop-in basis. For more information, or to *confirm meeting details, contact Sue Hardin or Helen Brownell.
This group for is for AAUW members and community folks with varying levels of background (beginning to advanced) playing pickleball. The group plays Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. Contact Edith Mailolo for location details!
Pinochle Group
The pinochle group meets at Ruth Ladderud’s house, generally on the final Monday evening of the month. The games aren’t always that impressive, but the conversation and laughter makes it all worthwhile. We are happy to teach anyone who would like to give it a try. Please contact Ruth for more details and to get added to the list!